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Urge Congress to Oppose the Industrial Agriculture Conversion Act (IACA)

The Industrial Agriculture Conversion Act (H.R.9794/S.5176), led by Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), a vocal advocate for veganism and animal liberation, seeks to push farmers and ranchers away from animal agriculture. The legislation argues that the current system of raising animals, particularly in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), is "inhumane, unsustainable, and economically unstable."

The bill proposes financial incentives to encourage farmers to transition from livestock farming to crop cultivation.

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Urge Texas AG Paxton to Stop San Antonio’s Unlawful Ban on Horse-Drawn Carriages

Take Action to urge Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, to support horse-drawn carriages against the city council's unlawful plan to "phase out" or ban their lawful businesses, outright. 

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Is Ft. Collins Becoming Anti-Business? TAKE ACTION!

The proposed Ft. Collins Ordinance to ban the sale of puppies in local pet stores is a biased piece of legislation that is not only misguided but also dangerously lacks credible data and verifiable statistics to support its claims. Colorado citizens should be deeply concerned that the Ft. Collins Mayor and City Council Members are considering turning subjective opinions into law, unfairly targeting legal, licensed business owners and restricting consumer access to purpose-bred, health-tested pets.

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Voice Your Complaints to the House & Senate Agriculture Committees About the New APHIS HPA Rules

Voice your concerns and opposition to each Member of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees regarding the new USDA/APHIS Rules under the Horse Protection Act which will go into effect February 1, 2025.

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In an effort to advance the 2023-24 Farm Bill, the House Agriculture Committee recently had a mark-up of the Farm Bill and unfortunately voted to add  Goldie's Act (H.R.1788/S.4033) as an amendment to the House version. 

Please use this email campaign to send your opposition to Goldie's Act amending the Senate mark-up of the Farm bill directly to Members of the Senate Agriculture Committee. 

We've made it easy! Just follow the prompts and make the letter your own!

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Urge Dallas Mayor and City Council to OPPOSE Proposal to BAN the Horse Carriage and Replace them with Electric Vehicles!

It is with great concern that we address the recent push by certain animal rights organizations to BAN horse-drawn carriages in Dallas.

These organizations, without valid reasoning beyond emotional propaganda, are urging the Dallas City Council to replace these cherished symbols of our city's history and charm with electric carriages.

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Please take action and urge your Federal U.S. Representative and Senators to STOP the Memorandum of Understanding to modify enforcement provisions under the Animal Welfare Act by allowing the Department of Justice to collaborate with USDA to bring civil actions against violators of the Act.

It is imperative to consider the potential negative implications and unintended consequences of such a collaboration. 

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Take Action to URGE House & Senate Agriculture Committees to OPPOSE anti-agriculture amendments to 2023 Farm Bill

A critical element in protecting American Agriculture and its farmers, ranchers, and animal owners is standing up against animal rights groups and their anti-agriculture, animal abolition agenda.


Recently, several of these organizations (namely, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) and Animal Wellness Action (AWA) have made bold proclamations to amend the 2023 Farm Bill with several of their proposed federal bills that have never passed on their own merits. So now, they are attempting to get them over the finish line by amending them to the 2023 Farm Bill and the FY24 Agriculture Appropriations.

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Urge Congress to STOP H.R.5441 to Amend the Horse Protection Act

More laws will not stop those already in violation of existing laws.

Please urge Congress to OPPOSE deceptive H.R.5441 which would amend the Horse Protection Act (HPA) with animal rights directed policy to harm the entire horse industry.

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While this legislation specifies regulatory requirements for "DEALERS," as called out and defined in H.R.1624 - the deceptively named Puppy Protection Act could be amended to the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to include all dog breeders as a means to impose breeding limits, exercise mandates,  temperature restrictions dangerous for puppies, and a rescue mandate.