Goldie's Act, HR1788, Farm Bill, Amendment, Congress, Agriculture Committee, Dog Breeders


In an effort to advance the 2023-24 Farm Bill, the House Agriculture Committee has engaged in recent discussions regarding amendments to the Farm Bill. One such amendment that is being discussed as an addition is referred to as Goldie's Act (H.R.1788/S.4033). This legislation is a by-product of ASPCA's lawsuit against USDA which perpetuates their false narrative about USDA regulatory enforcement being "too lax."

Key points of this legislation include:

  • Redefine “violations” of the federal Animal Welfare Act;
  • Allow for immediate seizure or euthanasia of animals suffering from “psychological harm,” a term it does not define;
  • Remove distinctions between minor non-compliances such as paperwork errors and animal care violations. AWA enforcement emphasis should be on the health and welfare of animals;
  • Require posting of images of violations on a publicly accessible database so breeders can be harassed; and undermine the property rights of responsible breeders.
  • Requiring animal dealers and exhibitors to renew their licenses annually, including a full pre-license inspection.
  • Prohibiting USDA from issuing or renewing a license if the dealer or exhibitor has been found to have violated any federal, state, or local animal welfare law, or if the applicant is applying for a license to circumvent a state or local law prohibiting the private ownership of certain animals as pets.
  • Requiring USDA to suspend the license of any dealer or exhibitor who commits a violation that presents a risk to animal welfare, and to permanently revoke the license (after notice and opportunity for a hearing) if the violation persists or the licensee has committed multiple violations.
  • Preventing dealers and exhibitors whose licenses are suspended or revoked from being granted another license under another business name or through a business partner or family member, or from being employed by another licensee to work with animals during the period of the suspension or revocation.
  • Authorizing citizen suits to enforce the Animal Welfare Act (similar to the Endangered Species Act and other major federal environmental laws).
  • H.R. 1788/S.4033 would require USDA to publish all unadjudicated inspection reports.
  • Read this article to learn more about Goldie's Act HERE

Please click below to send your letters/emails directly to each Member of the House AND Senate Agriculture Committees requesting them to keep Goldie's Act (H.R.1788/S.4033) off the Farm Bill as an amendment.

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